Castella Cake Recipe

Decadent Castella Cake Recipe

Decadent Castella Cake Recipe

Indulge in the Exquisite Taste of Castella Cake


  • 4 medium eggs, at room temperature
  • 110g of sugar
  • 2-3 tablespoons of honey
  • 100g of strong flour


  1. Begin by breaking the eggs into a metal bowl, then add sugar. Whip the mixture using an electric mixer over boiling water on high speed for approximately 6 minutes. Witness the volume of beaten eggs increase by about 4 times, ensuring a fluffy texture.
  2. Incorporate honey into the egg mixture, beating on medium speed for about 30 seconds, adding a delicate sweetness to the batter.
  3. Gradually sift in the flour, adding 1/3 at a time, and gently beat on medium speed. Avoid overmixing to maintain the cake’s structure and prevent it from collapsing.
  4. Line a mold with parchment paper and pour the batter, ensuring an even distribution. Use a skewer to eliminate any large air bubbles, ensuring a uniform texture.
  5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 10-15 minutes until the top achieves a deep brown hue. Swiftly cover with kitchen paper, reduce the temperature to 170°C, and continue baking for approximately 55 minutes. Test the cake’s readiness by inserting a skewer; it should come out clean.
  6. Once baked, remove the cake from the pan and promptly cover its surface with plastic wrap to retain moisture.
  7. Transfer the cake onto a flat plate while still hot, placing it in a plastic bag for 12 hours to develop a moist texture.
  8. Prior to serving, trim the cake’s sides for a polished appearance. Pair with tea or coffee and a dollop of Chantilly cream for an extra touch of decadence.

Elevate your dessert experience with this exquisite Castella Cake recipe, perfect for any occasion.

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